Retinal digital imaging


Over the last 20 years that I have been practicing Optometry I have certainly seen changes in my field and specifically the use of technology to improve diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions. We all have digital devices and are increasingly more technology savvy and look for the newest and greatest.

I strongly recommend and have for many years, retinal digital imaging because it provides an excellent diagnostic tool for eye conditions such as macular degeneration, retinal tears, holes and detachments as well as diabetic retinopathy. It also provides an excellent way of monitoring any subtle changes over time with regular eye examinations and is key to management for eye conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and retinal naevi or freckles.

At The Eyecare Spot we have the iCare DRS-plus that provides a confocal fundus imaging system with white LED illumination to offer high quality “TrueColor" images with great resolution and contrast. This can be done quickly, comfortably with reduced flash intensity and usually without the need to dilate your pupils. It can take multiple images to create a wide view mosaic of your retina and with different filters to enhance the view of retinal blood vessels and the retina nerve fibre layer which is important when assessing for glaucoma.

For more information and cost please contact our team and we look forward to seeing you where we endeavour to be The Spot for your Eyecare.


Flashes and Floaters - should I be concerned?


Glaucoma, the sneak thief of sight.